Looking for ways to secure your financial future in these dire economic times? This blog is for you.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Pop Quiz...

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How Much is This?

You Probably Said $10.00

It's Not.

What the piece of paper says and the current value that it holds are two completely different things.

Ready to guess how much this bill is worth?


Wrong, Wrong, & Wrong.

The Correct Answer? Fifty Cents. That's right. The would make the value of one American Dollar a measly nickel. Yes. 0.05.

People Wonder Why This Bill

doesn't seem to carry the same weight it used to. that's because it isn't worth as much as it used to be. The value of the things we buy hasn't changed...the value of the money has.

Here's What You Can Do About It:

Transition Your Savings Into Currency That Doesn't Depreciate.

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